Dog parents—and 94% of people who own dogs say they consider them members of their family—do some things that “normal” people would probably never do. But dog lovers certainly understand! Here are 10 more:
1. Have more photos of your dog than your kids.
Now that our phones are repositories for photos, we carry a lot more than in the old days when a plastic sleeve held your baby’s pictures. It’s easier than ever to pull out your photos to brag about your little ones, especially if they have four legs! 65% of dog lovers admit to having more photos of their dogs than other people, even than their significant other.
2. Call home and ask to speak to your dog.
Dog people know that their dogs recognize their footsteps, their smell, and their voices. Calling home and speaking to their pup is rewarding not only to the furbaby, but to mom or dad as well. One better than calling home is talking to that precious pup via a dog camera, where not only can he hear your voice, but you can toss him treats and assure him that he’s loved, and you’ll be home soon.
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3. Stay home on weekends to spend time with your furbaby.

Outings with friends lose some of their appeal when your best friend has to be left behind. A full 47% said they’d have more trouble leaving their dog at home for a weekend than their partner!
4. Take a stroller or dog-carrier along on hikes in case your dog gets tired.
Taking your pup for a stroll to see the gorgeous fall foliage sounds like a great way to enjoy a walk together, and it surely can be. But what do you do when your fuzzy buddy gets tired and refuses to walk any further? You can carry him, but even a ten pound dog gets heavy after awhile. You can give up and go home, but that’s no fun. And obviously, you aren’t going to drag that precious puppy! So pop him in the stroller and continue your outing, or fasten him in the backpack and keep on trucking.
5. Buy more clothes for your dog than yourself.
Little dogs in tutus and dresses are not just the latest fashion accessory for celebrities. Dog moms like to see their furbabies dressed up, too!
6. Carry dog treats around in your pockets or purse.
When your kids are little, you often have a pocketful of toy cars, so why wouldn’t you have a pocketful of puppy pops for your four-legged baby? Never leave home without them!
7. Take your dog to “doggy daycare” so he doesn’t have to be left at home while you work.
Some pup parents can’t stand the thought of their doggies being bored all day while they wait for mom and dad to get home. Doggy daycares have popped up all over the country as more people elect to give their pals some stimulation with friends. Of course, the Furbo® Dog Camera can help you make sure that Fluffy is happy and safe while you’re away from home, too!
8. Organize a birthday party and invite all your dog’s friends over for dog food cake.
Playdates and birthday parties for puppies are all the rage. There are companies that offer parties specially geared toward dogs, including bark-mitzvahs, adoption day celebrations, and more. Why not? They are, as we’ve already said, family, too!
9. Leave a party early so your dog won’t worry about you being out late.
And it’s not just parties, either. We don’t go out for lunch after church with our friends, because our own furbaby has been home alone all morning. He’s been eagerly awaiting our return, and we don’t want to disappoint him. So we go home.
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10. Ask for a doggie bag at a restaurant — for your doggie.
When they’ve gone out to dinner and enjoyed a thick, juicy steak, dog parents are more likely than not to save a piece of that delicious meat for their furbaby who had to be left at home.
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